Breath of the Wildman

In my belief, any problems that arise in life relates back to our breathing habits. Your reactions to life affect the flow of your breath, and vice versa. So, you can flow through life only as well as the breath that can flow through you. That is why I do breath work, to put it all back into alignment. As the breath regains its natural connected state, any disorder the person is experiencing, emotional, mental, or physical begin to heal, including areas of life that feel stuck with repeating patterns.

Many of us are not aware of how shallow our breathing has gotten. We have gotten so distracted by the outer environment we ignore the inner one. 

Have you ever heard the phrase: As above so below, as within so without?

Most of us take very shallow breaths, never getting the right amounts of air to the cells.

Neurodynamic breathwork involves controlling and quickening breathing patterns to influence your mental, emotional, and physical states.

During a breathwork session, one might experience the release of pent up emotions and subconscious traumas; get a brighter and clearer sight of their experiences and acquire a wiser approach to their stuck problems from within; feel energized and in a positive state of mind afterwards, with increased self love; or even observe a physical healing in the body.

Breathing has such an immediate impact on your body that even the act of inhaling vs. exhaling affects your nervous system differently. It’s really common to train your body with diet, exercise and even hydration, but almost no one trains their breath. This is a huge missed opportunity for health-seekers.

•Breathing can change your blood PH (acid/alkaline) in minutes. No food, exercise or medication acts as quickly.

•You can often determine your dominant nervous system state simply by placing your finger underneath your nostrils and exhaling.

•Severe respiratory conditions like asthma can be successfully managed by increasing CO2 levels in the blood

In a session your own body will determine what bothers you, related to your breathing, your mind or your body or all three; it could be that you are overthinking and would like to learn how to stop the inner chatter, become slimmer, have better endurance, or your sniffing or snoring, or you have high blood pressure, whatever it is that bothers you - This style of Breath/Bodywork here to help! The only thing you have to do is surrender to yourself.


Breathwork Contraindications


On Letting Go