What and Why Of breathing

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a general term that refers to various techniques that involve using the breath in a mindful or controlled way to bring about some sort of physical or psychological benefit. There are many different types of breathwork, and each one can have different effects on the body and the nervous system.

Why do this?

In general, breathwork can help to regulate the nervous system by activating the relaxation response and calming the body's stress response.

Regular studies have shown, for many breathers, that regular breathwork allows an opportunity to easily gain access an inner wisdom and intuition on a more regular basis. Opening up a connection and to trust the body’s innate capacity to heal itself.

Breathwork can help to calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and ease feelings of anxiety, creating a sense of peace and tranquility to feel more relaxed, centered and grounded.

It can increase energy levels and boost your body’s immune system

It can provide a space for self-reflection and self-awareness, allowing individuals to better understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors increasing your access to joy and happiness.

Breathwork can also improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, which are key factors in good sleep hygiene.

It can increase our capacity for self-love by bringing us into our body and seeing our truth

Breathwork can provide a safe and controlled environment for individuals to release and integrate trauma and fear stuck in the body

Breathwork can also promote self-compassion and self-acceptance, allowing individuals to recognize their inherent worth and value.

It can help reduce anxiety, grief, depression, and anger

It can help improve sleep,

It helps you explore altered state of consciousness and integrate experiences of expanded states of awareness

It can connect you to your inner wisdom and higher self tapping into a deep sense of inner peace and well-being, allowing you to feel more aliveness, presence and ease.


Meeting yourself in meditation


Breathwork Contraindications